Home > Products > Sandwich Air Mesh
  • spacer mesh material
  • spacer mesh material
  • spacer mesh material
  • spacer mesh material
  • spacer mesh material

spacer mesh material


spacer mesh material

spacer mesh material

spacer mesh material

spacer mesh material

spacer mesh material

spacer mesh material

Spacer mesh, also called 3D mesh and sandwich mesh is essentially 3 separate layers of fabric knit together – a face and a back connected by a monofilament yarn to produce the “connecting cushion”. Each layer is knit simultaneously by a single machine

spacer mesh material

Spacer mesh, also called 3D mesh and sandwich mesh is essentially 3 separate layers of fabric knit together – a face and a back connected by a monofilament yarn to produce the “connecting cushion”. Each layer is knit simultaneously by a single machine